Yang terhormat, dosen bahasa inggris dan rekan-rekanku sekalian yang saya cintai.
Pertama-tama, mari kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, karena atas rahmat dan hidayahnya, kita dapat berkumpul d sini kembali. Shalawat serta salam semoga dicurahkan kepada jujunjungn kita, nabi besar Muhammad SAW, kepada sahabatnya, keluarganya, serta kita sekalian sebagai umatnya hingga akhir zaman.
Pada hari ini, 21 April, kita akan memperingati Hari Kartini. Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui, R.A. Kartini adalah pahlawan bangsa yang memperjuangkan hak asasi wanita. Ia telah membawa perubahan untuk kaum wanita di Indonesia. Atas perjuangannya, bangsa Indonesia, khususnya wanita dapat meraih kebebasan dan kemerdekaan Negara Indonesia. Kehadiran Kartini mungkin yang membuat wanita bebas dari budaya yang tidak baik pada zaman penjajahan. Wanita yang menjadi korban kekerasan mereka, namun Kartini membebasakan wanita dari orang kejam. Mungkin tak akan bebas wanita tanpa Kartini.
Sosok Kartini sangat mengagumkan, dan tidak mungkin ada sosok seperti Kartini pada zaman ini. Zaman yang serba keras dan serba cepat. Sosok ia saat ini masih dibutuhkan oleh kita. Sebab, perempuan saat ini mulai terjajah kembali, seperti dulu saat Indonesia masih terjajah. Mereka ingin kebebasan, ketenangan dan kedamaian. Mereka ingin saat ini Kartini muncul sosoknya kembali. Tapi hanya sia-sia belaka.
Nah, pada saat ini kita hanya bisa mengenangnya. Maka, mari kita sama-sama mengenang hari Kartini. Hari dimana Kartini dilahirkan. Dengan mengenang Kartini diharapkan kita bisa lebih menganal tentang Kartini dan juga kita bisa meningkatkan derajat wanita.
Sekian pidato dari saya, semoga bermanfaat. Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kekurangan atau salah kata. Akhir kata saya ucapkan terimakasih.
Senin, 19 Desember 2011
pidato kartini bahasa indonesia
Diposting oleh
Meylisa Yolanda Tanumihardja
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pidato hari kartini
Dear, lecturer english and all my peers that I love.
First of all, let us praise and thanksgiving pray Allah SWT,because of the grace and hidayahnya, d we can gather hereagain. Shalawat and greetings poured out upon jujunjungnhopefully, the great prophet Muhammad, his friend, his family, as well as all of us as his people until the end of time.
On this day, April 21, we will commemorate Kartini Day. As we have seen, R.A. Kartini is the nation's heroes who fight forwomen's rights. He has brought changes for women in Indonesia.Top of struggle, the Indonesian people, especially women canachieve freedom and independence of the State of Indonesia.Kartini's presence may make women free from a culture that is not good in colonial times. Women who are victims of theirviolence, but Kartini membebasakan women from violent men.Probably would not be free woman without Kartini.
Kartini very impressive figure, and there is no figure like Kartinitoday. Age-paced hard and fast paced. The figure he is stillneeded by us. Because, women are now starting colonizedagain, like old when Indonesia was colonized. They wantfreedom, peace and quiet. They want the current figure isre-emerging Kartini. But only in vain.
Well, at this moment we can only remember him. So, let us together commemorate Kartini Day. Kartini was born the day.With commemorate Kartini we can expect more with applicableabout Kartini and also we can increase the degree of women.
A few of my speech, may be useful. Sorry if there is a shortage orincorrect words. Final word I say thank you.
First of all, let us praise and thanksgiving pray Allah SWT,because of the grace and hidayahnya, d we can gather hereagain. Shalawat and greetings poured out upon jujunjungnhopefully, the great prophet Muhammad, his friend, his family, as well as all of us as his people until the end of time.
On this day, April 21, we will commemorate Kartini Day. As we have seen, R.A. Kartini is the nation's heroes who fight forwomen's rights. He has brought changes for women in Indonesia.Top of struggle, the Indonesian people, especially women canachieve freedom and independence of the State of Indonesia.Kartini's presence may make women free from a culture that is not good in colonial times. Women who are victims of theirviolence, but Kartini membebasakan women from violent men.Probably would not be free woman without Kartini.
Kartini very impressive figure, and there is no figure like Kartinitoday. Age-paced hard and fast paced. The figure he is stillneeded by us. Because, women are now starting colonizedagain, like old when Indonesia was colonized. They wantfreedom, peace and quiet. They want the current figure isre-emerging Kartini. But only in vain.
Well, at this moment we can only remember him. So, let us together commemorate Kartini Day. Kartini was born the day.With commemorate Kartini we can expect more with applicableabout Kartini and also we can increase the degree of women.
A few of my speech, may be useful. Sorry if there is a shortage orincorrect words. Final word I say thank you.
Diposting oleh
Meylisa Yolanda Tanumihardja
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daily activity novia
My Daily Activities
At weekdays :
05.00 AM : I am get up
05.00 AM – 05.15 AM : I am ablution and go to pray subuh
05.15 AM – 05.30 AM : I am to making up my bed open the windows
05.30 AM – 06.10 AM : I am helping my mother to preparing breakfast
06.10 AM – 06.20 AM : I am weak up my sister for ready go to school
06.20 AM – 07.00 AM : I watch my favorite cartoon tv program “ Spong Bob Square Pants”
07.00 AM – 07.30 AM : I am go to bath room for take a bath
07.30 AM – 08.00 AM : I am preparing and ready go to my office
08.00 AM – 08.30 AM : I am breakfast with friedrice
08.30 AM : I am go to office and don’t forget ask for permission with my parent
09.30 AM : My arrival at the office, I am ready go to my desk. The job already to
become my responsibility
12.00 AM – 13.00 PM : I am go to pray Dhuhur and ready to lunch
13.00 PM – 16.00 PM : I am back to work
16.00 PM – 16.15 PM : I am go to pray Ashar in the mosque my office
16.15 PM – 18.00 PM : I am back to work
18.00 PM – 18.10 PM : I am go to pray maghrib in the mosque my office
18.10 PM – 19.00 PM : I am prepare and go to home
19.00 PM – 19.30 PM : I am arrive at my home and I am dinner with my family
19.30 PM – 20.00 PM : I am take a bath to cleaning sweates at my body
20.00 PM – 20.15 PM : I am go to pray Isya
20.15 PM – 21.00 PM : I am to helping my sister to make her homework
21.00 PM – 23.00 PM : I am watching my favorite Tv programe “Bioskop Trans TV”
23.00 PM – 23.10 PM : I am washing my hands and feets
23.10 PM : I am pray before sleeping, using blanket, and go to slepping.
At Weekend :
05.00 AM : I am get up
05.00 AM – 05.15 AM : I am ablution and go to pray subuh
05.15 AM – 05.30 AM : I am to making up my bed open the windows
05.30 AM – 06.10 AM : I am helping my mother to preparing breakfast
06.10 AM – 06.20 AM : I am weak up my sister.
06.20 AM – 07.00 AM : I watch my favorite cartoon tv program “ Spong Bob Square Pants”
07.00 AM – 07.30 AM : I am go to bath room for take a bath
07.30 AM – 08.00 AM : I am preparing and ready go to my campus
08.00 AM – 08.30 AM : I am breakfast with friedrice
08.30 AM : I am go to campus and don’t forget ask for permission with my parent
08.55 AM – 12.00 AM : I am arrival to the campus, and I am start to study
12.00 AM – 13.00 PM : I am go to pray Dhuhur and ready to lunch
13.00 PM – 16.00 PM : I am back to study in the campus
16.00 AM : I am Back to home
17.00 AM : I am arrival in the house after than I am helping my mother clearing house
18.00 PM – 19.00 PM : I am take a bath and pray Maghrib
19.00 PM – 19.30 PM : I am dinner with my family
19.30 PM – 19.45 PM : I am pray Isya
19.45 PM – 22.00 PM : I am sometime online via BBM, facebook, twitter, YM, at my laptop
22.00 PM – 24.00 PM : I am watching my favorite Tv programe “Bioskop Trans TV”
00.00 AM – 00.10 AM : I am washing my hands and feets
00.10 AM : I am pray before sleeping, using blanket, and go to slepping.
Novia Wita Sari
Ekstensi Akuntansi
Diposting oleh
Meylisa Yolanda Tanumihardja
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